The following resolution was passed unanimously by the PCDO membership on January 20, 2007

A Resolution of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO) Supporting Competitive Primary Elections.

WHEREAS, Competitive elections are essential for a healthy, representative democracy; and

WHEREAS, Non-Competitive elections increase voter apathy, reduce accountability and cause disillusionment with the Democratic Party; and

WHEREAS, Competitive elections increase voter participation, increase accountability and lend vitality to the Democratic Party; and

WHEREAS, Competition tends to raise the caliber of the winning candidates; a benefit to the Democratic Party and to the community; and

WHEREAS, Social dynamics among incumbents, party leaders and PCDO members can be a powerful force against challenges to the status quo, and

WHEREAS, Voter demographics* virtually assure the election of Democrats at the local level, and gerrymandering has reduced competitiveness at the state legislative and congressional level;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the PCDO that we actively promote competitive primaries within the Democratic Party and within our organization, facilitating competition with concrete actions and by creating a social climate where Democratic challengers at all levels are welcomed and encouraged.

*According to June 2007 voter registration records, 74% of partisan voters in Princeton are Democrats and 26% are Republican

Signed by: Anne Reeves, Beth Healey, Chad Goerner, Wendy Benchley, Dan Preston, Grace Sinden, Jenny Crumiller, Mark Freda, Peter Lindenfeld, Robert Turoff, Russ Weiss, Tony Cline, Andrew Koontz and Barbara Trelstad.